Winterseminar 2018

Saturday      17.02.2018

Attila Varga, Tamás Sebestyén, Richárd Farkas: The Effects of EU Framework Programs on Regional Development: Differences between European Countries and Regions

Martin Falk: Impact of the flight departure tax on air travel


Sunday         18.02.2018

Georg Hirte, Eric Nitzsche, Stefan Tscharaktschiew: Optimal Adaptation in Cities

Uwe Blien, Susanne Lindner, Phan thi Hong Van, Mark Trappmann: New results on the relation between reservation wages and regional unemployment

Bartlomiej Rokicki, Uwe Blien, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Phan thi Hong Van: Spatial and price adjustments in the estimation of the wage curve

Wolfgang Brunauer, Karin Wagner, Wolfgang Feilmayr, Ronald Weberndorfer: Der neue Wohnimmobilienpreisindex der Österreichischen Nationalbank: Methodische Neuerungen und Regionalisierung


Monday        19.02.2018

Stephan Lehner: Measuring the effects of introducing paid parking using innovative app-based data

Martin Labaj Agnes Kügler Alzbeta Siskovicova, Barbora Skalicanova, Peter Silanic, Christoph Weiss, Biliana Yontcheva: When Time is of the Essence: Pharmacy Opening Hours in a Deregulated Environment

Martin Adler, Stefanie Peer, Tanja Sinozic: ACES in public financeRevenues and expenditures of autonomous-connected-electric and shared vehicles

Stephan Brunow, Stefanie Lösch, Ostap Okhrin: Is there a shortage of science based labor force in Germany?


Tuesday       20.02.2018

Emmanouil Tranos, Hannah Budnitz: Online social media: a knowledge resource for SMEs?

Dieter Pennerstorfer, Astrid Pennerstorfer: How small are small markets? Location patterns and spatial market definition in the market for day care

Matthias Firgo: The Causal Effects of Olympic Games on Host Regions

Dieter Pennerstorfer, Anna-Theresa Renner: Availability and spatial accessibility of outpatient health care supply – what are the effects on utilization?


Wednesday 21.02.2018

Dieter Pennerstorfer, Nora Schindler, Christoph Weiss, Biliana Yontcheva: Income Inequality, Market Size and Firm Conduct: Product Differentiation in the Restaurant Market

Annekatrin Niebuhr, Cornelius Peters: The location of human capital accumulation: learning by working in large regions or in large firms?


Thursday     22.02.2018

Christian Warnecke, Daniel Weller: What drives German professors to launch spin-off companies?

Asjad Naqvi: A Multiplex Network Approach to Migration Modeling

Günter Haag: Gibt es die eierlegende Wollmilchsau in den Regionalwissenschaften? / Is there a Swiss Army Knife (i.e. general modelling framework) in regional sciences?

Karsten Rusche, Kati Volgmann: Borrowed-size or agglomeration shadow?


Friday            23.02.2018

Lorenz Benedikt Fischer: Migration’s inability to alleviate regional disparities: The grass is still greener on the other side of the fence

Marcel Herbst: Academic Productivity

Györk Fülöp, Ármin Cséve, Réka Farkas: Regionality assessment of illegal waste deposition

Michael Bentlage: Applying the method of reflections to interlocking firm networks of the knowledge economy in Germany